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6 Tools for Creating High Performance Teams

great team

The world is replete with organizations with great strategies. But how many of those great strategies are actually executed?

Less than 15%. That’s the number that John Spence shared with me when we spoke recently.

John is the author Awesomely Simple, and an executive trainer and coach who has worked as a trusted advisor with numerous Fortune 500 companies over the last 20 years.

When we spoke, we discussed what he’s noticed about organizations that are very successful at building and sustaining high performance teams that effectively execute strategies.

Following are the highlights from our discussion. (If you’d like to watch the video of the interview, click here.)

John’s advice is to focus on creating and sustaining a winning workplace culture. If we get the culture right, we can create the conditions for excellent execution.

My discussion with John revealed 6 powerful, easily-actionable ideas for creating and sustaining a culture of high performance.

1. People need to feel safe in the workplace.

Of course, people need to know that they’re physically safe. But they also need to know that they are emotionally and psychologically safe.

A winning culture must include an environment where people know that they will not be attacked emotionally, and they need to know that they can openly and safely share ideas.

2. People need to feel that they belong to something that matters.

As humans, we naturally seek out something bigger than ourselves to belong to. We can help fulfill this deep, human need by creating a workplace where people are inspired by the work we do, and can see how their work is tied to the big picture.

Knowing how important this sense of belongingness is, when taking on new team members, we should also pay close attention to whether or not a person would be a good fit for our culture. If a person doesn’t feel that they fit in, they could quickly become disengaged.

This article was originally published on the Huffington Post.  To continue reading, please click here.

Know People’s Names – Idea # 1 for Better Serving Team Members

my name is

This past weekend, I had the opportunity to see Tom Gardner, CEO at The Motley Fool, talk about some of the ways that this multimedia financial-services company has built such an incredible workplace culture.

One of my favorite examples was a simple idea the leaders had a few years ago.

Up to this point in time, the annual bonus that employees received was based on performance metrics. The leaders decided to make a change. They announced that 20% of the annual bonus would be based on a challenge.

The challenge was this: each employee had to be able name every other employee. They would be tested online via a simple app that showed the face of an employee, and tested one’s ability to name the person.

At the time, The Motley Fool employed 250 people. So, of course, there was a lot of kickback. People complained that it wasn’t fair that a significant portion of their bonus would be dependent on the abilities of other people.

The leaders held their ground though. Once people realized that this was a reality, they got to work.

When the end of the fiscal year approached – appropriately it’s April 1st for The Motley Fool – everyone in the company had passed the test except for one person.  In the typical “fool” fashion that is part of the culture at the company, the person asked for free lunches and other kickbacks in exchange for completing the test.   After having his fun, he too passed the test.

The results of the experiment that year were fantastic. People across all departments got to know each other, which led to greater collaboration, teamwork, and innovation.

As leaders, we should make it a habit to learn the names of others as quickly as possible. I find it helpful to apply this habit to everyone, not just team members.

Whenever I see a person for a second time, even if I haven’t interacted with her, I ask her her name. I presume that if I’ve seen her twice, I’ll probably see her again. When I do, I much prefer to call her by name, which immediately deepens our interaction.

Making the effort to know the names of everyone in our organization, even if they aren’t on our team, is a simple yet powerful way to build influence with others.

The most powerful example of this I’ve ever seen was when I was stationed with the 3rd Battalion of the 1st Marine Regiment, at Camp Pendleton, California. The regimental commander was an exemplary leader named Colonel Paxton.

Depending on deployment cycles, Colonel Paxton was in charge of anywhere between 2,000 and 4,000 Marines at any one time. He had unbelievable ability to remember not only the names of even the lowest ranking Marines, but often times details about their lives.

I’ll never forgot the example I witnessed of Colonel Paxton approaching a relatively new private first class. After exchanging salutes, Colonel Paxton asked something along the lines of, “Hi Michael, how’s your wife Sarah and your baby?”

The Marine was shocked. For private first class in a Marine infantry unit, a full Colonel might as well be God. This Colonel actually remembered his name, and that of his wife.

It was clear that the Marine felt as though he was truly loved. His shoulders pulled back, his chest pushed out, and he stood so tall that he seemed to grow two inches taller.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone look more proud to be part of an organization than that Private First Class.


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great ideas

Although CEO and founder of tech company TINYPulse David Niu is considered a successful serial entrepreneur, things weren’t always smooth sailing for him.

On paper everything seemed to be going smashingly with Niu’s first startup, BuddyTV. He was even able to secure $10 million in VC funding for the company. But Niu quickly realized that he was burning out; he simply wasn’t passionate about his work anymore. Around this time he also got married and had a baby girl in quick succession.

Niu told his team he was going to step down. He decided to sell everything he owned and take a trip around the world with stops in numerous cities.

He had two goals:

  • Have great quality time with his wife and daughter Interview as many successful entrepreneurs as possible who were not in the tech space about leadership and workplace cultures
  • The results of his journey around the world included great memories with his family and a world-class education from successful entrepreneurs.

Here are the top four lessons he learned as the result of his unlikely journey:


Although we certainly want to bring talented people on our teams, it is even more important that we find people who share our values. If values aren’t aligned, the relationship we have with someone is almost guaranteed to be a rough one, and will likely end quickly.

It can be quite costly to have someone on the team who does not share the team values. Such a person can be like poison for the other team members, costing us productivity. Eventually, we will likely have to replace the person and incur the cost of rehiring.

Niu learned a great tool for ensuring values alignment of new hires from a CEO in Seoul, Korea. This CEO uses very precise interview questions to ensure that a new hire shares the same values as his team.

His team asks every candidate to explain situations where they lived the team’s core values. If a candidate is unable or unwilling to answer each question satisfactorily, she or he is not offered a position, regardless of how talented she or he is.


This article was published by Fast Company.   To read the entire article, please click here.

What a Homeless Man Taught Me About Success

As I stepped out onto the street in downtown Philadelphia, I felt invigorated by the cool, crisp morning air. My senses were extra alive that morning. I had just spent most of the previous three hours sitting absolutely still with my eyes closed at a mindfulness retreat led by my good friend and mentor, Michael Carroll.
We had a short lunch break from the retreat. I was heading back to my hotel to grab a bite of the food I had packed.
Due to my heightened senses, everything seemed to glow with beauty in the bright morning sun. The gentle breeze, although chilly, made me smile.
About midway between the retreat center and my hotel, I approached a large man wearing a green winter coat who was sitting on the sidewalk in front of a MacDonald’s.
It appeared as though he had slept outdoors. It also appeared as though he had too much to drink the previous night. He still smelled of alcohol and he had some dried vomit on the front of his green jacket.
I greeted the man with a smile as I approached. He returned my greeting and he smiled, too.
After exchanging a few words, he asked, “By any chance would you be able to get me a hamburger from MacDonald’s?”
This article originally appeared on the Huffington Post.  To continue reading, please click here.

3 Great Questions for Being a Superb Conversationalist

“Oh no! Another networking reception?”
Do you ever feel this way when you think about the next social event where you’ll be a room full of people you don’t know and expected to “network”?
Do you think, “Not another hour of, ‘So, where are you from?’ and “What do you do?'”
Are you starting to yawn and nod off in boredom, and look like the baby above, just imagining such dull conversation?
In a recent article I wrote for Huffington Post, I share three simple questions that can transform your conversations at mixers, networking events, or even meeting someone while on an airplane. In fact, these questions can even be asked to invigorate conversations with people you’ve known for years.
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Five Tools for Mastering Fear

Of the many unpleasant emotions we can experience, fear may just top the list.

But fear is more than just physically unpleasant. Fear can also keep us from pursuing the things in life that really matter — like following our dreams, and developing and taking care of important relationships.

I have good news though. We can be free from the grip that fear often has on us.
Fearlessness is trainable!
1. How experience reduces fear.
I used to be very afraid of getting up in front of people and speaking. I would get sweaty palms and my stomach would be so tied up that I wouldn’t be able to eat. I would experience so much tension in my neck and shoulders that I would almost always have a headache by the time I had to speak or shortly thereafter.
Each time I spoke though, I noticed afterword that it wasn’t that bad. This is a trend I’ve noticed throughout my life. Things I fear are never as bad in reality as I make them out to be in my mind.
So one element of training for fearlessness is to simply push ourselves to do things that we fear so that we have more opportunities to develop the wisdom that the things we fear are always worse in our minds than they are when we actually experience them.
As I continued to get up in front of audiences and speak, my fear continued to diminish. Now I speak all the time in front of groups ranging from 10 people to 1,000 people, and there is no longer any fear associated with doing it.
2. Practicing investigation of our inner worlds.

This article originally appeared on the Huffington Post. To continue reading, please click on this link –

You Don’t Need a Title to Be a Leader Who Makes a Difference

 Image of man serving pancakes - links to video
I was recently in Salt Lake City, Utah, when I heard a story that inspired me deeply.
The story reminded me how meaningful and impactful our lives are, and how we can make a difference no matter what our current position is in life.
I share this story in the video below.
If you haven’t seen the free sample chapters of the highly-acclaimed book, 
Serve to Be Great: Leadership Lessons from a Prison, a Monastery, and a Boardroom, please click here.